Combined Circles: FFGC Turns 100
January 16, 2024 @ 10:00AM — 11:30AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Garden Club of Jacksonville: 1005 Riverside Ave Jacksonville, FL 32204 Get Directions

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The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs celebrates 100 years in 2024. The four original clubs that started FFGC are the Garden Club of Jacksonville, Garden Club of Halifax Country, Winter Park Garden Club, and Miami Garden Club.
Learn more about FFGC's history and their plans for a fabulous convention at Jacksonville's Southbank Marriott Hotel on April 9-12, 2024. Plans include a State Flower Show at the Garden Club of Jacksonville, tours of the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, and the first Members' Art Show.
FFGC District IV Director Sam Runyon and Former District IV Director Connie Gladding will share FFGC's history and plans and encourage #GardenClubJax members to attend the festivities.
Combined Circles is an occasional program that allows members of garden circles to meet at the Garden Club of Jacksonville for fellowship and camaraderie.
The Garden Club appreciates all Circle members registering for this event, so we know how many chairs and refreshments to provide. If you need assistance registering, please call 904-355-4224.
Circle Presidents: Please reserve space for the number of people attending your Circle’s meeting after the program by calling 904-355-4224.
This program will be offered in-person at the Garden Club.
Free for Garden Club members | $5 for nonmembers